Blog Ola Kamin

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Monday, November 16, 2015

If you can get the best, why settle for the less?

Hello people!
After some breakdown, emo moments and dark clouds all over.
After the long deep sleep I've took for a few weeks now, and after all the tears,
I can say that I am 70% healed!

Though I must say that I sometimes misses those feelings of longed by someone.
But naaah..I am just lonely. I don't need that person nor do I want him. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Now that I've involved myself in some activity (which is rahsia), I can finally REALLY get rid of those nasty feelings and heartbreak. Gotta get busy!lol

I just wish that I can get over it completely and look at him just as friends without that hard feelings and pain, just like before. Or else, I wont be able to hang and chill with my other buddy in a normal way anymore. urghhhhhh!

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