Blog Ola Kamin

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mother's cooking is always the best. I never mention about it.

Yes. I never say those words.
It is not because my mom can't cook. She is the champion in cooking arena(chewaaah~arena.hahaha) , especially kuih-muih. It's just that, she rarely cook.

Being 41 years old, substitute the role of the head of the family (when my father pass away),
it's hard for her to stick around at home and do nothing. She got to work hard to feed us, he children.
To ensure we have better life, she decided to go on a hard & rocky way. She's taking the risk to try business. Something that she never even think of before (fyi, my mother is a teacher, dulu la...)

She always said this,
"kalau dulu masa mama masih kecil, semua orang hina keluarga mama miskin, makan pun cukup-cukup. Kadang2 makan ubi. Jadi, kalau boleh, sekarang mama mau tengok anak-anak mama makan lagi bagus dari anak-anak orang lain"
It really touched me when she said those word. When she tell me about her childhood, I feel like killing all the people who have insulted my mom and her family. 

That is the driving force for my mom to enter a new life. Alhamdulillah, Allah is always by our sides. Walaupun HE takes the precious part of our family here and there, yet, I will never said 'Life is UNFAIR'. Despite the bitter-ness thet HE gave us, HE never forget to gave us adequate sweetness that we cannot even mention how sweet it was. Thank You Allah.

Oh...where I was just now? 
Ok. My mom rarely cook because she have a responsibilities that causes her to be away from home, always.
So, my big brother took her place as the cooker. Walaupun sekarang, I think I cook better than him(haha), I am still so thankful that I have a responsible brothers to look after their youngers and take care of each other, walaupun selalu gaduh~haha

In a nutshell, mama saya jarang masak. Tapi bila dia masak, I eat like there's no tomorrow! :D 

Kenal benda ni? Yay! benda paling hot di pasaran. DURIAN CREPE.
Gila bapak mahal harga dia, yg besar2 macam dalam gambar di atas RM10-3 ketul, kalo kecik2 RM10-6 ketul. Saya sudah beli, tapi belum makan. Jap lagi makan. Mahal kan?

I think I need to learn how to make Durian Crepe. nanti boleh ajak satu kampung makan. Dengan syarat, orang-orang kampung kena derma durian la :D:D:D

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